2014 MFA Master of Fine Art Victorian College of The Arts, University of Melbourne
2010 BFA Fine Art Sculpture & Spatial Practice (Honors) Victorian College of The Arts
2008 BFA Fine Art Sculpture & Spatial Practice Victorian College of The Arts
2005 Certificate III & IV Multimedia Design, Swinburne University & Technology
Awards / Grants / Studios
Gertrude Contemporary Studio Artist 2015
Inaugural Linden Art Prize Winner 2014
Fiona Meyer Travelling Award 2013
Nellie Castan Award 2013
Australia Council New Work Grant 2013
Faculty Graduate Student Grant Award 2013
Australian Post-Graduate Award Scholarship 2012
Faculty Graduate Student Grant Award 2012
The Substation Gallery Exhibition Award 2011 (Solo Exhibition)
Rearview Gallery Exhibition Award 2011 (Solo Exhibition)
2018 Journal Of Sonic Studies | Editorial: Materials of Sound by Caleb Kelly
2017 UN Magazine | The joke that isn't funny anymore - Joel Stern
2017 Australiana to Zeitgeist The A–Z of Contemporary Australian Art, Melissa Loughnan, Thames & Hudson 2016
2015 CRITIQUE: 7 Writers for 15 Artworks, Gertrude Studios 2015
2014 das SUPER PAPER, Issue 33 / Material Sound, Caleb Kelly - November 2014
2014 The Ear is a Brain – Publication 12” Vinyl Recording / Liquid Architecture 2014
2013 The Shape of Sound Vol.3 (wife) – (CD) Ice Age Productions.
2011 Knife Culture: Buried Melbourne (wife) - (Duel CD) Sabbatical Records
2019 Dark Mofo, Hobart, Tas. A Forest: Cassils, Chris Henschke, Eric Demetriou, Jordan Wolfson, Meagan Streader, Marco Fusinato
Michael Candy, Paul McCarthy, Shilpa Gupta and Steven Rhall. 179 Melville St Hobart.
2019 Ventriloquy curated by Joel Stern, Gertrude Contemporary, Preston: Jacqui Shelton, Eric Demetriou, Ceri hann, Danielle Freakley,
Steven Rhall, Gabriella D'Costa, Simon Zoric, Matthew Hopkins and Makiko Yamamoto
2018 Material Sound curated by Caleb Kelly // Murray Art Museum Albury // Exhibition Touring Australia 2020-2022
2018 MEL&NYC : Export Happenings, Live Performance by The Band Presents (TBP) at Brunswick Mechanics institute.
2018 Make It Up Club (MIUC) 20th Birthday Party; Live Performance by TBP.
2018 Artist workshop / Professional Development for Primary and High School Educators at Shepparton Art Museum
2017 Sanaterrarium, SOLO Exhibition, Gertrude Contemporary - Gertrude Glasshouse
2017 SUPERSENSE - FESTIVAL OF THE ECSTATIC | Arts Centre Melbourne // Performance by The Band Presents (TBP)
2017 UN Magazine; Performance by TBP & UN Magazine Feature Article by Joel Stern.
2017 The Band Presents, Live at Bella Union supporting Magic Steven
2017 REMEDY - Curated by Jon Campbell - Margaret Lawrence Gallery - Live Performance TBP
2017 Bus Projects - Fundraiser Exhibition - TBP Debut Album Launch
2017 TCB Performance Week, The Band Presents: HEY hey it’s Saturday Night Live: with suspicious minds
2016 GERTRUDE STUDIOS 2016, Gertrude Contemporary
2016 Liquid Architecture, The Greek Centre for Contemporary Culture, Melbourne: Auto-tune Everything, (performance)
2016 SUCCESS Gallery, Fremantle, performance with Travis John
2016 MOANA, Perth, Unglamorous, group show, curated by Elizabeth Pedler
2016 John Fries Award Exhibition, finalist group show, (recipient of John Fries Award)
2016 ACCA, NEW16: Sound Symposium, An Afternoon with Herb Jercher (performance)
2015 Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Studio Exhibition 2015, group show
2015 Lindberg Galleries, Solo Exhibition, An Afternoon with Herb Jercher
2015 TCB ART INC, Four minutes and forty-three seconds in cat years, Solo Exhibition
2014 Liquid Architecture, Federation Square, Melbourne, curated by Joel Stern & Danni Zuvela
2014 Liquid Architecture, UNSW (College of Fine Arts, Sydney), curated by Joel Stern & Danni Zuvela
2014 Good Time Studios & 524 Flinders, TRANSPONDENCE, Curated by Salazar Quas
2014 Sawtooth ARI, Launceston, TROLLEY POLE, Travis John & Eric Demtriou
2014 George Paton Gallery, TROIKA, Curated by Aneta Trajkoski
2014 Churchie National Emerging Art Prize – Finalist, Griffith University Art Gallery.
2014 Lindberg Gallery Collingwood, NEW, Curated by David Moulday
2014 Nite Art & Open House, J Power Station Melbourne, SUPPLY, Curated by David Hagger
2014 West Space, Flee-Flu, SOLO EXHIBITION
2014 Casula Powerhouse, Sydney: Subject to Ruin, Curated by Adam Porter
2014 Linden Art Prize: Judged by Kirsten Paisley - Director SAM, Lesley Alway - Director Asialink, Arts & Dr. Shaune Lakin - Director MGA
2013 Mildura Palimpsest #9 biennial feat: Bindi Cole, Ash Keating, Juan Ford, Drew Pettifer
2013 MCA Art Bar: Curated by Lauren Brincat, You Don’t Love Me Yet. Eric Demetriou & Travis John,
2013 West Space: Group Show curated by Sean Peoples Channel G
2013 Bus Projects: Group show, House Warming
2013 International Noise Conference: Performance, Good Time Studio’s Melbourne
2013 White Night, Sabbatical Presents: Low Headroom, Art Centre Melbourne
2013 Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Studio 6: “Group Exhibition: Artwork Documentation”
2012 Blindside, Solo Exhibtion, KNUCKLE SONG
2012 KINGS ARI: Marco Fusinato, Justin Fuller, Christopher LG Hill, Dead Boomers, Eric Demetriou & Travis John
2012 Seventh Gallery, Solo Show, As much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
2012 Rearview: Dry Process, Leith Thomas, Mark Groves, Samaan Fieck & Eric Demetriou
2012 West Space: Robbie Avenaim, Sean Baxter, Joe Talia, Ben Byrne, Eric Demetriou, Samaan Fieck
2012 CAST (Contemporary Art Space Tasmania) Eric Demetriou & Samaan Fieck, Wife